Debra Kaplan
15/06/14 09:10
Debra Kaplan jest specjalistka od zydowskiego teatru. Jego poczatkow i rozwoju. Jej ostatni projekt zwiazany jest z tzw. Trupa Wilenska.
Poniewaz bardzo mnie interesuje kiedy i z jakim repertuarem wystepowal ten teatr w Grodnie, nawiazalem z Nia kontakt i wlasnie otrzymalem wstepna odpowiedz. Oto fragment z Jej listu:
Der dorfs yung was certainly in the Vilna Troupe's repertoire in June of 1917 -- it was one of the earliest plays in their repertoire. At that time, the repertoire was already quite extensive (I can send you a list if you're interested). I have them in Grodno in late May/early June of 1917, so that certainly lines up with my data about their trajectory. This would have been on their very first tour after leaving Vilna.
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Poniewaz bardzo mnie interesuje kiedy i z jakim repertuarem wystepowal ten teatr w Grodnie, nawiazalem z Nia kontakt i wlasnie otrzymalem wstepna odpowiedz. Oto fragment z Jej listu:
Der dorfs yung was certainly in the Vilna Troupe's repertoire in June of 1917 -- it was one of the earliest plays in their repertoire. At that time, the repertoire was already quite extensive (I can send you a list if you're interested). I have them in Grodno in late May/early June of 1917, so that certainly lines up with my data about their trajectory. This would have been on their very first tour after leaving Vilna.
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