Lektury i Gelgor

Przeczytalem do konca Hrono Wiktora. Zajmujace. Zabawna notatka z wymienionym nazwiskiem Blumsteina. Wysle p. Alikowi, napewno sie ucieszy.

Nowa informacja na temat Gelgora:
According to later information received from Mr. Alperstein,……L. M. Gelgor closed his art studio in the 1930s, immigrated to Eretz Israel and opened a photo-shop in Ramat-Gan (near Tel Aviv). "

Гродно: репортаж из сорок первого

Mialem troche technicznych klopotow z moja strona internetowa. Wydaje sie ze wiem juz w czym problem. W ciagu kilku dni powinno wszystko grac. Wiktor przyslal link do nowego artykulikuHappy


Wczoraj znowu zostalem przelicytowany przez Skywalkera.
Ciekawe zdjecie

chocby po to zeby porownac je z wczesniejszym zdjeciem Gelgora, ktore mam.

Niestety cena okazal sie dla mnie za wysoka. Fotka poszla za 34,60!!!

Dzis, korzystajac z kiepskiej pogody i przeziebienia, ktore mnie trzyma w domu, wprowadzilem wreszcie nowe pozycje do "czarno na bialym". Czesciowo juz przeczytalem ale jeszcze nie wszystko. Bardzo interesujaca lektura Hrono Grodno Wiktora Sajapina. Ciekaw jestem co znajde w tym co mi obiecal A.C. Ale to pewnie dopiero za rokSad


Znalazlem w internecie ciekawa informacje:
Large collection of unique and exceptionally high quality photographs photographed by Eliezer Gelgor, a photographer in Grodno, Poland and owner of “Gelgor” photo shop in Bialik St. in Ramat Gan.
The collection includes:
~ Two original albums, including 155 high-quality photographs: series of photographs of immigrants on a ship, c. 1925; various buildings in Tel-Aviv, including the casino on the sea-shore, a cemetery; caravan of camels on sea-shore; Tomb of Rachel; David’s Citadel and David’s Fortress; the Western Wall; panorama of Jerusalem and its surroundings – various views; Mt. Zion; panorama of Judean Desert; twelve photographs of the Hebrew University including photographs of the university inauguration ceremony; masonry and terrace building workmanship; tours to archeological sites; Tiberius and Lake Kinneret; Moshava Rishon L’Zion and the winery; and more.
~ XI Olympiade Berline 1936, souvenir album of the Olympics in Berlin 1936. Including seven small photographs by Gelgor. In the photographs flags bearing crosses throughout the city of Berlin appear, alongside flags of the Olympics. In the photographs Gelgor himself appears.
Elieser Gelgor

~ Assortment of 43 photographs, among them: caravan of camels on the sea-shore of Tel-Aviv; the Judean Mountains; a package of tobacco in Rishon L’Zion; Prof. Boris Schatz near a carpet and Menorah produced by “Bezalel”; unique portraits of a girl; Tel-Aviv port; “Tomb of Captain Trumpeldor” prior to the erection of the gravestone; Independence Day parade; and more.
Some of the photographs bear the stapo of the photographer.
Total of 205 photographs. Varying sizes. Generally in good condition.
Attached is an authorization of sale from the inheritors of “Gelgor” which also includes rights for use and publication of the photographs."
Jak wytlumaczyc imie Eliezer? Po polsku to Lazar (Lazarz). Czy to nasz "Lejba"? Moze krewny?

I jeszcze jedna informacja, tym razem z Archiwum Allegro:
Młoda dama. Autor: Lazar Gelgor, Grodno, Plac Batorego 3. Datowanie: przed 1939 r. Sygnatura wyciskana na awersie + pieczątka na rewersie. Klasyczna 
Kto wie moze Lejba i Lazar to ten sam facet?